This week I had the Pleasure to meet Dave Gionet and I must say he is an awesome down to earth guy. Ever since he contacted me weeks ago I had been excited to meet him and I felt honoured that he asked me to help tell his story. So, without adieu here is Dave's account. He is a true Canadian Hero so please take the time to read this and send him some love via comments and likes. Master Corporal Dave Gionet served two tours in Afghanistan, from February 9 - September 7, 2005 and January 21 - August 30, 2007.
My name is Dave Gionet and I am forty-two (42) years old come from a small town in New Brunswick called Pigeon-Hill. I was raised by my mother Celine and my father Theophile who are currently retired and still reside in Pigeon-Hill. I have three siblings, my sister Diane who lives in Moncton, New Brunswick and my two brothers who are fisherman, Marcel and Steve who live in Pigeon-Hill.
I finished high school when I was twenty (20) and enrolled in college for two years taking a course to become a correctional officer, however knowing I was not completely ready I decided to pursue other options. When I turned twenty-five (25) I decided it was time for a new journey and moved to Kitchener, Ontario where at twenty-nine (29) I joined the army. I served twelve (12) years and did two tours in Afghanistan. When I returned from my second tour I was medically released and retired September 1, 2013.
Here is a history of some of my encounters during my two tours. While in Afghanistan, Kandahar, 2007 on Tuesday, March 20th, we were trying to recover a Coyote surveillance vehicle that had struck a mine. I was the gunner of C/S 61C we were staying in the rear for security; the dog handler (Shaun Parker) and his dog (Alex) were with us. Sgt Sheldon, called for Alex and Shaun to inspect the area. Alex smelt an IED, but de stepped on the IED before he was able to alert us. The bomb went off, Alex was killed immediately and Shaun was very badly injured. I was roughly 50 feet from the Bomb; the blast almost threw me off my feet, when I looked at what had happened, I couldn’t see anything with all the dust in the air. I ran to see if everyone was okay but by then I knew it was going to be bad. I could hear someone crying for help and when I got in the impact area, I saw Shaun in a bad position and a couple of soldiers that were confused by the blast, in a second I took charge and went to give first aide to the dog handler that was in a very bad state, to this day, it’s too hard for me to describe the details but I did succeed to open his airway until the evacuation took place about an hour later. That was the first incident happening to me in my tour.
On April 11th, 2007 after three (3) days on an OP we were relieved by C/S 62. On our way to our location, 62D struck an IED. We turned down from the OP and moved to 62D location to provide security. On the way to the IED strike, the vehicle in front of me was also hit by an IED (61B). I immediately jumped off my coyote and went toward the crew of 61B to give first aide. However, despite the help of my friends and me we lost two great soldiers
On June 11th, 2007 we were traveling about 40 km north of Kandahar City, when C/S 61D hit an IED. I was the second vehicle C/S 61C in the rear, when we saw the blast we stopped and I jumped off to go provide first aide. When I got to the vehicle I saw the crew was in very bad shape, upon investigating further I saw one of the crew was still in the vehicle it was the driver, my good friend (Caswell) however, it was too late, after we secured the location me and two more of my crew removed Caswell and put him in the helicopter for evacuation. For the Dragoons, and myself this moment was very difficult, it was unforgettable has stayed with me. This was the final incident for me during this tour.
When I returned home from Afghanistan everything had changed for me and it was a very difficult process to adjust to a normal life. I served my country and my crew to the best of my abilities, however for everything there is a price and nothing remains the same.
Medal of Military Valour Citation:
“For extraordinary courage while under threat of fire, explosions and enemy attack during the rescue of fellow soldiers from a burning vehicle following an improvised explosion with the 2 Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, Task Force Afghanistan on 11 April 2007.”
“On 11 April 2007, Private Dolmovic and Corporal Gionet saved the live of a fellow crewmember after his vehicle struck and improvised explosive devise in Nalgham, Afghanistan. After freeing the trapped driver, Private Dolmovic and Corporal Gionet performed life-saving first-aid, despite imminent risks of fire, explosions and enemy attack.”